About Chloe Le
It doesn’t matter if you're retired, have never worked out, or training for a new fitness challenge, Strive Fitness can help you attain whatever goals you have for yourself. With a certified personal trainer that can work around your schedule and is dedicated to you, you can work one-on-one with someone or in a small group to help you set mini goals, stay on track, and surpass what you thought was even possible.
Chloé Le
Personal Trainer
About Chloé
BA, University of Central Missouri
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
CPR/AED Certified
Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES)
Certified Les Mills RPM Spin Instructor
Certified TRX Instructor
Specializations in:
Fitness Nutrition
MMA Conditioning
Group Personal Training
Obesity Specialization
- Exercise Design For Seniors
- Youth Exercise Specialization
- Sustaining Mobility & Movement: HMS
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Purple Belt)
Competitive Runner – 5Ks to Marathons
Former Competitive Swimmer
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