Quick & Easy Cauliflower Rice & Egg
Looking for a quick, easy low calorie, low carb high protein meal that can fill you up any time of day. Try one of my favourites.
With just 3 simple ingredients you can have a meal that will keep you satisfied.
1/3 bag of Veggieful (or any brand) of riced cauliflower
1 Egg
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Salt and Pepper to taste
You can prepare the egg however you want it, I personally like over easy or sunny side up as I like the yolk to run through the cauliflower rice.
Steam the bag of cauliflower rice for the allotted time, portion out the amount you want. Be sure to check the nutrition label to make sure you know how many calories and macros you are eating. Place the rest of the cauliflower in a container for later use (meal prep maybe🤔)
Top with some cheese, add salt and pepper to taste and ENJOY!